
7 Elements of Graphics Design

The 7 elements of good graphic design

The 7 basic elements every graphic designer should now. We discuss about 7 basic elements of graphic design that will make your design standout without any fear and you will gain some pretty good knowledge whether you’re a developing a design or beginner in the market. Everything surrounding us is in some kind of shape or form, this will give you some kind of idea that how humans create design and inspired by nature; these things have basic elements that we will discuss in this article.


One of the most basic elements of graphic design is line. Line is used to create forms, enhance comprehension design, add style and create forms in design. Indeed! Lines have more usage, such as it curved, zigzag or straight, dotted, it can easily define elements in graphic design.


The second element of graphic design is color. The meaning of color in graphic design is powerful, it set moods, tone of design, it plays a major role in influences or visual perception in graphic design. The psychology behind color is powerful, it effects human behavior, response or reaction.

When it comes to branding and marketing, colors play a huge role, because every color portray different idea and meaning.

  1. Red: passion and power
  2. Orange: force and productivity
  3. Yellow: warmth and happiness
  4. Pink: youth and spirit
  5. Black: mystery and strength


The role of shapes in graphic design, shapes are also basic elements of graphic design, they obtain to the figure and forms that are geometric and natural shapes.

Geometric shapes like triangle, square, rectangle and circle. These shapes have certain meaning that define the graphic design, although, natural shape is defined as natural environmental such as trees, birds, river, leaf etc.

Shapes help the designer to add more life in graphics.


Value described the domain of lightness and darkness of a color. It defines as how light and dark an area looks in design. It is everything from the darkest of red to the brightness of white. Every element has a value in your design from 1 % white to 100 % white. The difference in value between the object and its background create greater contrast. However, value is the powerful tool when creating a look or feel the design.


Texture defines to the surface quality of art work. Texture related to the way that looks or feel like such as being smooth, rough, silky, shine, fuzzy and so on. Texture defines in two categories.

  1. Texture real or actual: somethings that feel that as they are appear in actual is called texture of real or actual.
  2. Visual or implied texture: visual refers to implied sense of texture. Something looks like they are smooth but in actual they are rough. Visual texture is something created to like but in reality, it is not, is called implied or visual texture.



Form is also the basic elements of graphic design. Form is similar to shapes elements. Froms is used in an artwork that has three dimensions. The three dimensions are width, length and depth.

Free form or organic form: organic forms are usually free or irregular. Organic forms are the type of that most are in nature are: mountains, cloud formation, mountain, trees, bushes and so on. These all are ever changing form, that is called organic form

Geometric form: as with the geometric form are based on mathematical descriptions. They are the first one that we think of shapes such as circles, square, rectangles and hexagons, cubes, cylinders, cones and sphere. They give us an idea of order and effectiveness.


Space is a basic element used in graphic design and there are different types of space that used in graphic design that differentiate between objects and blank area.

  1. Positive space
  2. Negative space

Positive space: positive space refers to anything you add that is not a part of the background. Basically, it refers to any part of composition that serve as the main focus.

Negative space: negative space also called “white space”. It means the empty space around in the design and between those positive elements that you add to your background.

How can I learn all these elements?

You can learn from home or any institute of your area. If don’t know from, where do you get admission. One of the learning platforms that helps you to become a professional graphic design.

You can learn from home or any institute of your area but if you don’t know whom you want get admission, we have got you. CLICK5 is the institute which gives you amazing result. Here are the highlights.

  • Learn the secrets to become a professional graphic designer and work anywhere in the world.
  • Individual attention with final project
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  • Learn adobe PS and AI to create expectational designs
  • Learn to create each and everything from beginner to expert level.