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Learn from top industry professionals working online and in top companies across the World.
Earn over $1000's of dollars by working as a freelancer digital marketing expert online
Yes, it is the average salary of digital marketing expert in Pakistan. Join our course in Gulshan Karachi
No admission fee! Only pay Rs.5,999/month and join to become a marketing expert in 3 months
Introduction to Digital Marketing
Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing
Why Digital Marketing?
Strategies in Digital Marketing
User behavior and Navigation
Branding and User Experience
SWOT Analysis
Introduction to Search Engine Optimization
Keyword Research and Competition
Website Audit
On-Page Optimization
Off-Page Optimization
Local SEO
Website Position Analysis
Website Monthly Reporting
Introduction to PPC
What is Social Media?
Keyword Research
Creating Page and settings
Building Strategy
Creating Content Calendar
Building Brand Awareness
Creating Social Media Growth Report
Introduction to Social Media Ads
Running Facebook Ads
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